Thursday 29 January 2009

An Inconvenient Truth

The fluctuating temperature, the melting and re-freezing of icecaps are the very normal phenomena we see on planet earth, always. However these normal phenomena are gradually going wild: temperature going out of expected range and icecaps melted without re-freezing. From something to anything, nature is trying to warn us this inconvenient truth, Earth is becoming hotter.

Al Gore stated many facts to his audience patiently and passionately, trying to persuade them that Earth is becoming unexpectedly hotter than before, and the final destination is foreseeable if we let this trend move on. Carbon dioxide, the so-called “Green House Gas” commits the arch criminal of the climate change. It didn’t exceed certain range though the concentration fluctuated throughout years, so does the temperature. However, current records are showing the trend of mother earth’s surface temperature is getting out of control nowadays. Although reduction of usage of fuels can significantly reduce the emission of carbon dioxide, and as well reduce the level of global warning, politics does not agree with this, simply because politicians’ reluctance of slowing down the native economic progress. From this point of view, the truth AL Gore trying to reflect is really “inconvenient” to our dear politicians.

Besides the exponentially raising carbon dioxide’s concentration in the atmosphere, people have seen too many real cases reflecting nature’s rage: floods, typhoons, droughts. They destroyed, killed, leaving the living in desperation and abomination against the nature. However what indeed caused the unusually high frequency of various disasters? The answer is inconvenient for us to confess to confess ourselves guilty. Under the worldwide appeal to boost economy in the past a few decades, anyone of the earth’s population have to confess our sin to the mother earth for using electricity and fuels.

Hence, all the excuses appear to be so valid that we should not start from ourselves to cut down carbon dioxide emission, at least within the context of the past few years – whereby everyone was charmed by the incredible cash inflow. However I still want to bring the case back to our global economic condition now: recession. Oil price went down to 40 dollars per barrel from the historical high reached in last July of 147 dollars, government expenditures are being cut down for unknown reasons, I feel maybe here is the right time us to consider Climate as a more important issue compare to money. As well for Al Gore, maybe it is also a right time to come out again for his faithful passion to save the mother earth. And then go for Presidential Election again?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your idea is well elaborated.
    However, you just did not address,if not focus on,the question.
    Try to elaborate more about the policies instead of global warming itself.

  3. I can see what the film talking about from your paragraph.It is very clear.

    However, you need to write about the policies of your government and how they help to tackle the problems.

    I have similar feedback with li jing^^

  4. i personally think your introduction is good!

    However you should be careful of your past tense and present tense which has quite a number of errors.

    Also, you did not really elaborate on the policies. Despite this, your vocab use and your sentence structures was amazingly enjoyable to read! it was well written!
